Full course description
Adult education is a set of time tested practices and not a theory. This module explores techniques for creating adult centered learning environments, and introduces a model for presenting instruction that encourages learners to take responsibility for their learning. Interacting with adults, treating your learners as adults, and promoting responsible learning in your learners - what could be more satisfying than that?
Participants who complete this module will be able to:
- Describe FOUR important features of the adult learner: 1) readiness to learn; 2) responsibility for learning; 3) integrating learning efforts with professional and personal activities; and 4) active engagement with educational content and instructors to produce meaningful learning.
- Define the impact of the THREE key components of adult teaching (developing a Product, it is about a Process, and it is about Potential) on helping adult learners gain knowledge and mastery.
- Describe how and why adults bring their emotions and expectations into learning situations and how learning is affected by these contextual elements.
- Differentiate between the FOUR types of Learning Tasks: Inductive Tasks, Input Tasks, Implementation Tasks and Integration Tasks.
Note: If you need assistance accessing this course, have a disability that requires digitally accessible accommodations, or would like to request a digitally accessible course completion certificate, please email ScarletCanvasMedEd@osumc.edu or call 614-366-0943. We will respond to your request within two business days.
If you are an Ohio State University or Nationwide Children's Hospital employee, you are eligible for a promotion code that waives this course's cost. If you are interested in obtaining the promotion code, please fill out the short form that is linked below: