Two physicians looking intensely at a computer monitor

FD4ME - Medical Simulation Phase 1: Simulation Preparation


$30 Enroll

Full course description

As presented in the Introduction to Medical Simulation module, medical simulation is a fun, safe, and engaging educational method that allows learners in the medical field to experience learning in a whole new way. However, preparing for a simulation session can feel overwhelming to educators. This module will provide the step-by-step approach to preparing for a simulation session. Topics discussed in this module include needs assessments, goals and objectives, obtaining resources, and the specific preparation needs for each of the three types of simulation.

Participants who complete this module will be able to:

  1. Describe the components of an Educational Needs Assessment
  2. Construct simulation goals and objectives based on an Educational Needs Assessment
  3. Determine the appropriate resources required for an objective-based simulation experience

Note: If you need assistance accessing this course, have a disability that requires digitally accessible accommodations, or would like to request a digitally accessible course completion certificate, please email or call 614-366-0943. We will respond to your request within two business days.

If you are an Ohio State University or Nationwide Children's Hospital employee, you are eligible for a promotion code that waives this course's cost. If you are interested in obtaining the promotion code, please fill out the short form that is linked below:

Promotion Code Form