two medical professionals looking at charts and discussing

FD4ME - Micro-Teaching in Medical Education


$30 Enroll

Full course description

Micro-teaching skills are critical to quality teaching at the bedside. Using a few simple strategies, you can design your teaching encounters to have maximum impact in a minimal amount of time. After completing this module, you will better understand how to set goals with your medical learner, incorporate simple questions to more accurately diagnose your learners, and lay the foundation for giving effective feedback, all in a time efficient manner.  

Participants who complete this module will be able to:

  1. Reflect on the impact of goal setting for improving focus of educational encounters.
  2. Define the level of medical learners using the RIME model.
  3. Recall the five steps of the One Minute Preceptor.
  4. Utilize Bloom's revised taxonomy to construct questions appropriate to the level of the medical learner.
  5. Structure micro-teaching encounters to incorporate more feedback to learners.

Note: If you need assistance accessing this course, have a disability that requires digitally accessible accommodations, or would like to request a digitally accessible course completion certificate, please email or call 614-366-0943. We will respond to your request within two business days.

If you are an Ohio State University or Nationwide Children's Hospital employee, you are eligible for a promotion code that waives this course's cost. If you are interested in obtaining the promotion code, please fill out the short form that is linked below:

Promotion Code Form